The Scientific Committee includes Product and Research Theme Leaders. The Product Platform Leader represents the interests of ATTONUCLEI’s industrial partners by identifying the high-priority product development opportunities for their respective industrial sectors. The Research Theme Leaders identify, within their own area of scientific specialization, the research activities that will be required to attain the product development objectives identified by the Product Platform Leader. In addition to selecting and reviewing projects submitted to Attonuclei, the Scientific Committee plays a role in the elaboration, review and recommendation of technology policy and strategy.

Serge Lefrant is at the present time Emeritus Professor at the University of Nantes. He started his scientific career at the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). He obtained his PhD in 1975 and spent a post-doctoral year at Cornell University (Ithaca, N.Y., USA). He started a new field of activity in organic conducting polymers, working in particular intensively with Nobel Prize laureates, Prof. A. MacDiarmid and Prof A. Heeger in Philadelphia. In 1981, Serge Lefrant became Professor at the University of Nantes where he took several responsibilities being for example Vice-President of the University from 1997 to 1999, in charge of the research activities and became the director of the “Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel” from 2000 to 2008. He is still conducting research activities on carbon materials and nanoparticles by means of optical spectroscopies.

Graduated from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, France (1967), with an Ms. Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Energy, Technical University of Istanbul (TUI), Turkey (1968), with an M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Science & Engineering (1972). Appointed as an Associate Professor on Nuclear Sciences at the Institute of Nuclear Energy, TUI, in 1977, and as a Full Professor in 1982. Appointed as the Dean of Graduate School of Sciences of the University of Anatolia, in 1983. Being awarded by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Washington, D.C., enrolled as a Visiting Professor, Engineering Science Department, California Institute of Technology, in 1984. A member of the Nuclear Regulatory Committee (1975-1982), and the Advisory Board (1978-1982) of the Turkish Atomic Energy Commission. Appointed to represent the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey, in Brussels, between the period of 1994-1997. Author of numerous books on energy, nuclear energy, nuclear reactor theory, relativity, quantum mechanics, nuclear arms race and defense strategies. Taught several courses in physical chemistry, atomistic, nuclear science; engineering, energy engineering, thermodynamics, fundamentals of physics, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics. He also taught courses on nuclear arms race, defense industry, advanced technology, and technology transfer, at the Armed Forces Academy, in Istanbul.

Brigitte Dréno is Professor of Dermatology, Head of the Dermato-Oncology department and of the Hospital Oncology Federation, Director of the GMP Cell and Gene Therapy Unit, and Coordinator of the Biotherapy Clinical Investigation Centre at the University Hospital of Nantes, France. She is also Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Nantes and President of the French University Council of Dermatology.
As the Director of a research team in INSERM Unit 1232, her main research interests are cutaneous cancers, drug development and immunotherapy (specifically Adoptive T Cell Therapy), cutaneous microbiome and chronic inflammatory diseases. She has also acted as Principal Investigator in more than 200 clinical trials.
She is an Editorial Board Member of three journals and an expert reviewer for many others in the field of dermatology. She has been granted to the grade of “Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur” by the President of the French Republic and has obtained grants and awards in the field of dermatology research.
Chain-Shu HSU is professor in polymer chemistry in the Department of Applied Chemistry at the National Chia-Tung University, in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He has occupied several positions of high responsibility in his University as well as at the national level in Taiwan, both in research and education. His research is focused at the present time on the application of polymers in opto-electronics and in particular on LEDs (light emitting diodes). He has promoted, in a recent past, a strong and continuous collaboration with the Institute of Materials in Nantes, signing in particular with the University of Nantes the first “co-tutelle de these”, offering to Taiwanese students a double PhD thesis. He received in 2006, shared on the French side by Prof. S. Lefrant, a joint prize from the academy of Sciences in Paris and the National research council in Taiwan for the development of nano-materials in both countries. More recently in 2019, he received an award for his contribution on flat panel displays, namely the Slottow-Owaki prize.